Freelancer health

Sleep deprivation: A danger to freelance writers

Sleep deprivation is something every freelance writer experiences from time to time. All freelancers, whether new or experienced, are at risk. But, it’s best to avoid cutting your sleep in the bid to grow your business.


Because poor sleeping habits impact your health and your freelance business.

What do we know about sleep deprivation?

The National Sleep Foundation advises that adults get at least 7 hours of sleep daily. Yet many adults sleep less than 7 hours. In fact, freelance writers sometimes sleep for 4 hours or less.

Science tells us poor sleep is linked to 

  • heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Mood swings
  • Poor concentration
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Lower libido
  • Accidents

But even worse, new data now suggests poor sleep not only affects our physical and mental health but it also changes our humanity.

Recent research on sleep deprivation

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, investigated sleep deprivation within individuals and across society. Their findings suggest poor sleep is linked with reduced helpfulness.

A part of the brain is activated when individuals consider other people’s needs and actively choose to be helpful. Injury to this brain region has been linked to loss of empathy.

In this study, functional MRI showed reduced activity in this empathy region of the brain in sleep-deprived persons. The researchers also demonstrated a reduced desire to help when people sleep poorly. This reduced desire to help was present irrespective of whether the person requiring the help was familiar or unfamiliar.

Even at a societal level, altruistic help is reduced with the loss of 1-hour sleep during the transition to DST (daylight saving time).

Compassionate helping is a core virtue in most cultures. Losing that part of us is a huge deal.

Sleep deprivation and freelance writing

Empathy and helpfulness are core characteristics necessary to run a successful freelance business. As such, reduced empathy and compassion as a freelance writer will affect your freelance business in the long run.

Every freelancer knows that client management is critical to a successful business.

One way of getting repeat jobs from clients isn’t simply by doing a great job, although that is essential. A key component is being helpful. A good freelancer helps their client succeed. So, if you’re too grumpy to help others, you may lose business.

Empathetic writing is also a crucial skill in content creation.

Engagement is higher for a well-written helpful post. Unfortunately, when you are sleep deprived, your sinking empathy level destroys your writing.

I’m not saying you should ditch hard work. Instead, I’m saying prioritize sleep. Plan better. Take care of yourself and make out time to sleep even with looming deadlines.
Let’s be frank; it’s procrastination and poor management that undoes us.

You need to learn to be more productive and use your time wisely. Develop good habits.

It may be necessary to avoid accepting “urgent work” as much as possible. Such jobs don’t even allow you to produce your best work in the first place.

And when you do accept rush work, ensure you are well paid for it. That way, you may be able to take out some time to catch up on your sleep when the project is over.

How to sleep better

  • Set up a routine
  • Try not to alter your circadian rhythm too much
  • Remove distracting devices
  • A warm bath
  • A warm drink
  • Comfy beddings
  • Maybe soft music
  • Avoid long naps in the afternoon
  • Avoid caffeine and energy drinks towards the end of the day

Bottom line

Sleep deprivation makes you a less empathetic and compassionate writer. This means poor sleep affects your health, relationships and freelance business. So chose to begin prioritizing sleep and self-care today.

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